Ventilation housing according CTE HS3

Sensitization by improving the quality in construction, the healthiness of occupied spaces and the promotion of energy efficiency and sustainability, are issues addressed in the CTE (Basic Health Document DB HS3). In it adequate ventilation with fresh air input required for dry areas (living rooms and bedrooms) and stale air extraction wetlands (restroom, bathrooms and kitchens)

Area of ​​application

It applies to all residential buildings, Waste stores, storerooms, parking lots and garages (including circulation areas for vehicles)

mechanical ventilation and hybrid ventilation

Technical Code allows the implementation of a hybrid ventilation system or mechanical. Their implementation will select the most appropriate system and components:

  • Dimensionado.Caudales minimum ventilation and sections of ventilation networks
  • Type vacuum cleaners
  • construction conditions of the ducts
  • Maintainability of the elements of the system

The mechanical ventilation system offers greater simplicity, flexibility and greater precision and control of the ventilation parameters

Minimum air flows required for optimum ventilation of premises occupied are collected in the following table

Ventilación viviendas según CTE

The number of occupants is considered equal to:

  • One for each single bedroom
  • Two for each double bedroom
  • The sum of all bedrooms in dining and living rooms

Mechanical ventilation exhaust ducts

The sizing of the exhaust ducts are made based on a maximum speeds of 4 and 6,67 m / s depending on whether the ducts that run through habitable zones or ducts do it for cover . Sections obtained are at least:

Ducts walking by habitable zones S(cm2)≥ 2,5. Qv (l/s)

Walking by covered conduits or risers S(cm2)≥ 1,5.Qv (l/s)

Characteristics of the ventilation ducts according CTE

Propiedades más significativas conductos de ventilación en viviendas

Maintenance intervals main elements of the ventilation system

Frecuencia de limpieza de los principales elementos del sistema